Saturday, April 09, 2005

Race for Life

The other thing I'm doing when I go to the gym is trying to get in shape for the Race for Life. I've written more about this on my other blog, but it fits well here so I've carried it over here. I've never been a great athlete, and I've always been overweight, but I've finally decided to do something about it. I did a mile last year. I didn't exactly run it all, but I got round faster than some people which at that stage (before I started going to the gym) was an achievement in itself. This year I wanted to take it a step further so signed up for the Race for Life for Cancer Research. Unfortunately, at that stage I didn't know how good a choice that would be. A week or so later I found out about my sister's cancer scare, which is still ongoing and unresolved.

I've not really started my fundraising properly yet, but I do have an online donation page which you can use if you want to.

If I manage this (and I'm now managing 5km in the gym in about 36 minutes so there's hope), I might even sign up for the 10km Abbey Dash which I believe takes place in November. Of course, it would be easier to get round if I'm lighter...


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