Saturday, April 16, 2005

Yes! Yes!! Yes!!! Yes!!!!

How glad am I that I dragged myself out of bed and went to the gym this morning. Yet another punishing workout, and I hardly felt it. Plus a couple of other bonuses.

1. That extra pound I mentioned this morning has gone. Which means that I'm over half way to my mini target, and I've also now lost over 10kg. 1/4 of the way to my current, randomly picked target. There isn't too much logic to the number I picked, other than it means I need to lose a nice round number (40kg) and it pretty much puts me on the borderline between normal and overweight on the BMI scale. If I get there I can then decide whether I need to lose anything else.

2. Got on the treadmill. I've mentioned before that I'm training for a 5km race. Well, I did it. I've covered 5km before, running various amounts of it, but today I didn't walk a single metre of it. The slowest I went was 8.6km/hour. I know I'm no sprinter, and a lot of people can run a hell of a lot faster, but at the moment I don't care. I DID IT! I CAN RUN 5KM! And I know I'll get faster before July, I used to struggle at 8km/hour, and I'm getting faster even as I'm building up distance. Now I've got the distance I can concentrate on the speed side of it. For the record I knocked about 2.5 minutes off my previous personal best, and I ran continuously for nearly 10 minutes more than I ever have before. Usually I have a bit of a walk at about the 20 - 25 minute mark and then try to jog the last bit. This time I got to 25 minutes and decided to try to push on, the last km just consisted of me trying to persuade myself that I was really close and to keep going, and I did!

3. But I didn't stop there, oh no. 15 minutes on the bike, 30 minutes on the cross trainer and 10 minutes swimming, just to top it off.

4. And then, the best bit, someone I don't even know (another gym regular, but someone I've not spoken to properly before) came up to me and told me you could tell I'd lost loads of weight. That's the kind of confidence booster I needed, as if I needed it after the morning I've had!

So I'm now in a good mood. I've definitely decided that the secret of my sudden weight loss success over the past month or so is that the first 6 months or so of exercising just meant that I got fitter rather than much thinner. I lost a bit of weight but not huge amounts. Then, once I was fit enough to do more punishing workouts, the weight started falling off. So the initial bit was necessary, even if it didn't look like I was getting there at the time. I'm just so glad I stuck with it and pushed on through, rather than losing heart too quickly.


Blogger Dana said...

That is so motivating! I am trying to lose a lot of weight and I was told to do it in increments rather than focus on the whole as 100lbs can be daunting. May I link to your blog?

4:18 AM  
Blogger bouncygirl said...

I found your blog via a Google Reader recommendation. I was so so excited to read the last paragraph of this post - I'm in the beginning stage of what you did, and that's exactly where I am. Slow weight loss (but definitely there) with increased fitness. Totally inspirational!

10:01 AM  

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