Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Feel those muscles..

Ouch. That circuit training session certainly worked muscles that my normal workout doesn't reach. I can definitely feel it. Not that that's a bad thing, in fact I might go back for more punishment next week, as well as going to the pilates taster session for good measure. I'm getting quite into the idea of doing some classes as I'm in a bit of a rut on the machines, and even if I get them to do me a new programme, I'll probably just end up doing pretty much what I'm doing at the moment anyway.

Good news, I went shopping today for a new sports bra as the old one just doesn't hold anything in place any more as I'm shrinking out of it. I also picked up a pair of size 18 shorts, just because I could. They were cheap, to be fair, and I did want some shorts, but I'm still in that stage of disbelief - "Must buy. They're a vaguely normal size and they fit. Must buy." I'm back wearing a suit I've not work for a couple of years, and it's a bit baggy (whereas before the reason I didn't wear it was because I couldn't).

And I went to the supermarket after work and bought nothing, I repeat nothing, but fresh fruit, vegetables and mineral water. So if anyone knows any decent recipes for leeks or mange tout, let me know!


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