Sunday, June 19, 2005

Salad for breakfast

I'm feeling far more positive this morning. Despite the fact that the scales have gone back up again to 100kg when I was 99kg earlier in the week, that's two whole pounds. But I know that I do this every month. The first week it's time of the month. I lose loads. The second week I lose a fair amount. The third week I go back up about 1kg/2lb. The fourth week I get frustrated because I've not lost anything for two weeks, and then it all starts again.

Plus a large amount of alcohol can't have helped the water retention situation. And the cheeseburger I had mid afternoon probably didn't either. You see I had a lot of sorrows to drown. When your team suffers a record defeat it's bad enough. When that record defeat is suffered in your home town, and therefore in the away match you look forward most all season, it's particularly depressing. Not least because of the bus ride home, the pitying looks when you drive anywhere the next morning in your be-stickered car, and the knowledge that it may very well be mentioned on Monday morning. I'd like to say that I didn't have a drink for every one of the many tries we conceded. But I have a horrible feeling that I might be lying. Truth to tell, I lost count after a while. But I was going at a cracking pace. And at one point there were 12 Smirnoff Ice bottles on the table (empty), and over half of them were mine. Not counting the two that had already been collected and the two I drank after the game. Or the beer during the game.

But, let's look at the positives. Yesterday I knew when to stop. It doesn't look like it from the account of the carnage above, but I did, honestly. I got home safely by about 10pm (having started drinking at 2), without the slightest feeling of nausea. And due to the relatively early night I was awake, sober, un-hung-over, and in the gym at 9am. I wasn't in tip top form, but good enough to do 3km on the treadmill and a good weights session. Which considering what I drank last night is some achievement.

Then I came home and had salad for breakfast. Weekends always throw me. During the week I get to the gym by 7, then go into work and have my breakfast at about 9. Which works nicely. But at the weekend because everything is put back by a couple of hours I get home at 11 and it's sort of in between time. It doesn't feel like breakfast but it's too early for lunch. And I know I should eat breakfast, but it seems like a waste of calories when I'm going to have lunch in an hour or so (particularly when I'm going out at about 1.30/2pm, as I am today). So I'm experimenting. There's no rule saying that you have to eat cereal, or toast, or something breakfasty for breakfast, is there? So yesterday I had chicken and rice at about 11.30 as an early lunch. Today I've gone one step further. I bought a salad (yes! another leafy salad! rocket this time), which was huge so I've split it into two bowls, I had half for "breakfast" and I'll finish off the other half before I go out. So I get some food to keep me going until "lunch" while still giving me something to eat just before I go out to stave off the burger cravings at the rugby.

I'm suddenly increasing my repertoire of vegetables. After the salad thing (today's was also surprisingly palatable), I've realised that if I can eat lettuce I can eat anything. So I've bought myself a stuffed aubergine for later. My tactics are to buy vegetable based ready meals or prepared salads to get me used to the tastes before I try to prepare them myself. So often in the past I've bought a new vegetable, realised I don't have a clue how to cook it, and thrown it away. I'm not going to fall into that trap. Even if what I'm eating is higher in fat/calories or salt than something I cooked for myself, if it's getting me to eat new stuff that I can then adapt to be slightly healthier, I figure it will be worth it.

I've decided I'm driving over today. I could get there on the bus, and I have drinking partners lined up (the same drinking partners I was with yesterday). But if I drive I'll drink water through the game and possibly even go for a swim on the way home. If I go on the bus I will find myself in a beer garden in Bramley at about 10pm wondering what time the last bus is, where I live and what my name is. Been there, done that.


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