Monday, September 05, 2005

Will I ever learn?

Some alcohol OK. Drinking your own body weight in cocktails bad. Very bad.

I looked in the mirror before I went out on Saturday night and I didn't recognise myself. The change in my appearance is really starting to blow me away, and I felt so gorgeous and confident.

Not least because the friend I went out with seems to have gained my arse. We were talking about stuff, and she said she's put on three dress sizes since she moved up here late last year. I've lost three dress sizes, so I'm convinced my arse must have found a new home. I'm sorry Zoe, but if and when you decide to get rid of it I'll quite happily help as long as you don't give it back!

Discovering that one of the nearest bars to my house makes fantatic cocktails is not a good way to ensure a relatively sober night. I keep on saying that I can't drink like I used to, and then I decide to prove that by making myself horribly ill. I'm glad that I don't get horrible headaches from drinking at least, but I still feel quite crap enough. But I suspect I'll never learn. Ah well, at least the fact I couldn't keep food down for a while meant I was pleasantly surprised when I stepped on the scales this morning...

New trainees started at work today. I realised, these people never knew the obese me. Going forward, I'll meet more and more people who may never realise where I've come from and don't realise I have weight issues. That's kind of liberating, that some people are never going to think of me as "the one that used to be fat". Maybe one day I can think of myself like that too.

Finally, I've updated my mini target as the old one was to the end of August (and successfully completed). I've not set an end date for this one as I appreciate that as I have less to lose my loss is going to slow down. In an ideal world, it would be an end of October job (keeping up my historic rate of a stone or so every 6 - 7 weeks), but I know that with what I've got planned for October that's fairly unlikely, even if I don't slow down too much naturally. So, I'll just let it go undated and see what happens. It's strange to think that this could be my last mini target. Once I've done it I'll only be 20lb from my original goal, which is amazing really. It seems strange to be thinking of the finishing tape, and even though I'm still a fair way away, it's feeling more achievable than ever.


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