Wednesday, May 31, 2006


First of all a question - what on earth does the Queen Mother need a draper for? She's dead?! She's not just dead, she died in 2002. Do Harvey Nicks really not change their bags often enough to take that off?

This is number one in my list of things to do after hitting 28 but before 29. Make my first purchase from Harvey Nicks. Ticked off on my birthday, but the fact I'd never done it before explains the fact that I'd never noticed the bag before.

Anyway, I thought I'd take photos of my food as well as the great unwrapping. Even though I didn't cook it, I'll take some credit for combining it, here we have courgette and cheese fritters and butternut squash parcels on a bed of rocket, spinach and watercress.

Surprise one. The boy from Sunday emailed me last night and texted me today. I guess I didn't utterly repel him! I'm quite happy about that. I don't want any sort of full on relationship with him at the moment, but I've always whinged about the fact that some blokes see a "date" as leading to only one outcome - romance or nothing. Well, probably a quick shag more than romance, but I'm being polite about it. What I sometimes want is just friendship, and if I can get that from the boy from Sunday I'd be more than happy.

Music wise, I've moved on from Jack Johnson to James Blunt.


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