Sunday, May 13, 2007

2 years

This is what I wrote 2 years ago.

I didn't run Leeds half last year because I was on holiday, but this year I made it to the start line. I don't think I expected it to end up being my 7th half marathon, or a taper run for a full, but I made it round in 1:45.

I don't think I ever expected to be vaguely disapointed with 1:45 either. It wasn't a PB, but I'd already decided that I wouldn't shoot for a PB this time out. It was still my second fastest half, on a much harder course than most of my other runs. So I can't complain.

I also can't complain because I've heard a rumour that we won the womens team prize, and that I might have been a scorer. I don't know whether it's true, but if it is, I've won something! By running! I'm scouring the internet for any sign of the results at the moment...


Blogger Kate said...

1:45 on a hard course is a very promising pre-M tune up!

Good luck with the rest of taper and the race!

6:38 PM  

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