Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Another fitting ending

Over the last year I've been contacted by a few people through Facebook so I know that people are occasionally still happening across my musings and experiences and getting something from them.

So that has led me to come back to post a quick update on where I am. Because I have News.

First the not so predictable stuff. I'm currently training to make good use of my Good for Age place at London. I've also got a couple of other marathons (ok, 3 other marathons) and an ultra on the cards this year, with possibly an extra marathon in Autumn. My running has been a bit up and down over the last year, and I've had a couple of injuries, but I'm still sticking at it, and there are still things I want to achieve.

My weight is up from my lowest but manageable. I'm comfortable with it and I'd rather give myself a few treats and gain a few pounds than spend my life depriving myself. And I keep it in check. Mainly.

But the News is that I seem to have broken out of a rather too long spell of singleness and found myself a bloke. It's still early days (we've been seeing each other properly for about a month, but have known each other for and been flirting outrageously since last August), but what's important isn't so much who he is and whether it will last, but what it's taught me about my relationship with my body.

To get straight to the point, I'm far more comfortable with nakedness and the physical side of things than I ever thought I'd be. One of my big problems in the past was that I didn't want anyone to see my body. And even when I lost weight I worried about saggy skin, and my head took a while to catch my body up.

After a few fumbling experiences in my early 20s (and I mean very fumbling and furtive) I embarked on pretty much 10 years without even so much as a kiss. While I didn't like myself I didn't expect anyone else to either.

But this time my thought process was more "well, why wouldn't he like me. After all I'm pretty fantastic". That shocked me.

What also shocked me was my willingness to shamelessly use him for his (sub 3 marathon) body. After waiting for so long part of me wanted it to be for someone special and permanent. Saving myself for The One as it were. But without completely writing him off now (because he's actually lovely and every time I learn something new about him it's something I like), I'm quite comfortable with the idea that I will learn all I can from him to get myself back on the wagon, and if it doesn't work out move on with more confidence than I've ever had.

The only problem is that *ahem* cross training can distract me from an early morning run...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

10:30 AM  
Blogger Argy said...

hey :)

That was awesome news!!!!

And I am not talking about your running!


12:52 PM  
Blogger Renee C. said...

Oh lovely! I just popped back over here today to reread a bit (hoping to be inspired *g*) and saw this. I suspected as much from something you said on FB, but this is really great news! I think the adventure of learning to live with your new body is probably as big a change as getting TO the new body.

Best of luck with the bloke! And congrats on Auntiehood. I live in fear you'll take the blog down--I reread bits of it all the time. *g*

3:11 AM  
Blogger Anonymous GP said...

sounds brilliant, popped back for inspiration and see this!


:D Best of luck to you

11:35 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

yay!! so glad to see an update. I'm so happy for you!!

I still pop in and out for inspiraton, and was really chuffed to see you are stil running too. congrats on the new man!

check out how many exclamations you can put in one comment!! ha


6:08 AM  
Blogger lalalala said...

So happy for you! I still check here all the time...I hope you return to blogging.


6:20 PM  
Blogger K said...

Hey there! Good to hear your news. I was just thinking about you the other day... Sounds as though you're doing well in all respects.

Not much new with me - still haven't done that 10K but am getting back in the game :)

3:10 PM  
Blogger Pam said...

Goodness me, I'm six months late finding out this news but I'm delighted for you. I mean, it may all be over by now but it proves that these things can happen for you. Well done.

7:30 PM  
Blogger Graham Foster said...

well done it's more about self confidence and self image than

weight loss and fitness. When you look and feel good anything is possible.

12:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there,

I just visited your blog. I have to say that I was very impressed by what I saw. Well done on your great work!

My name is Marco Yap. Am currently doing a web ticker project that lets people track their progress towards their exercise and fitness goal.

The ticker shows your cumulative exercise duration towards your goal together with your recent exercise data. You can add the ticker to blogs, emails, forum posts, websites or anywhere you can paste code.

At first, I started this project because I wanted to create something that can motivate my family to exercise more. I was surprised that it ended up appealing to the others.

As your blog is related to exercise and fitness, I was wondering if you can add the ticker to your blog roll/useful links section. I believe that it has got something that your visitors will find interesting. If you want a reciprocal link in return, please let me know.

Looking forward to your response.

Best regards,

Marco Yap

11:58 AM  

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